Every Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics : Part 4 : Trapped on Titan!

Captain Marvel v1 #27 Trapped on Titan!

We begin the issue “Trapped on Titan!” with Rick Jones held prisoner by two of Thanos’ monsters.

Captain Marvel v1 #27 Trapped on Titan!
Captain Marvel v1 #27 Trapped on Titan!
Because of a power Thanos has over him, Jones is unable to retrieve Captain Marvel from the Negative Zone.

Thanos orders his goons to lead Rick Jones to the “Mind Cyclone”. Using this machine, Thanos hopes to extract a vital piece of information from the mind of Jones.

Thanos Holds Rick Jones Captive
Thanos Holds Rick Jones Captive
The mind of Rick Jones is linked up to the super computer Isaac (Integral Synaptic Anti Anionic Computer). Issac is a computer “so large it fills almost the entire interior of Titan.”
Using Isaac, Thanos is able to extract and play back the recent past of Rick Jones and Captain Marvel.
Thanos strives to delve within the subconscious of Rick Jones to discover a piece of information Jones does not even know that he possesses. He is looking for the location of “the most powerful weapon ever created – The Cosmic Cube!”
