The Infinity Crossover offered an epic batle that spanned the Marvel Universe. Thanos, the evil and powerful Titan makes a devastating return in Infinity. His return means that there is renewed war on Earth and in deep space as efforts are made to stop him.
The battles against Thanos makes for epic action scenes. Even worse for the Avengers is that they have to fight against the Builders as well.
The Infinity Crossover builds an alliance of Avengers, the X Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Inhumans and the Fantastic Four that join forces to take on Thanos.
Read the full article: Marvels Infinity Crossover
The battles against Thanos makes for epic action scenes. Even worse for the Avengers is that they have to fight against the Builders as well.
The Infinity Crossover builds an alliance of Avengers, the X Men, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Inhumans and the Fantastic Four that join forces to take on Thanos.
Read the full article: Marvels Infinity Crossover
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