What Did Gamora do In The Infinity Crusade?

During the Infinity Crusade Gamora becomes brainwashed by the powerful Goddess. Gamora joins the Goddess as one of her Holy Guard who are committed to defend Paradise Omega while the Godess plots an end to all life in the Universe.

The events of the Infinity Crusade occur after The Infinity Gauntlet and The Infinity War.

The Cosmic Egg is created by The Goddess from 30 Cosmic Containment Units which she has gathered from myriad dimensions. 

The Cosmic Egg is a powerful artifact which allows The Goddess to make real her every wish. After forging the Cosmic egg the Goddess emerges as The Redemptress.

While defending Paradise Omega, Gamora fought many of Earths super heroes who she was able to defeat. Gamora was easily able to overpower the Thing, Night Thrasher and Rage during the conflict.  

During the battle, Wolverine managed to pierce Gamora in the stomach with his claws. However, Gamora was able to recover due to her accelerated healing abilities. 

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