Every Appearance of Thanos in Marvel Comics : Part 2 : A Taste of Madness

The appearance of thanos in this issue is never fully revealed. We only hear the voice of the MasterLord and see his hand from the view of the back of his chair as he observes the action on screen.

Mar-Vell Fighting Aliens
Mar-Vell Fighting Aliens
Mar-Vell begins the issue in a fight with unknown aliens. As the aliens are defeated, Mar-Vell spots a robot observer which promptly disappears.

We see the Back of a mysterious watcher in a chair observing the action on screen.
As we have all guessed, the watcher is Thanos but that fact is not revealed within this issue.

Using a large screen he observes Captain Marvell by using the teleporting robot as a camera.
With his robotic spy, Thanos confirms that Mar-vell has lost half his powers.

Thanos Observing Captain Marvel
Thanos Observing Captain Marvel

Thanos declares “Begin operation Kree Crusher”
